Browning Auto 5 20 Gauge Serial Numbers


12-16-2011, 03:54 PM
Browning Auto 5 20 Gauge Serial Numbers
I'm trying to put a date on the A-5 I inherited from my Grand Father. I'm guessing it was manufactured in 1937 but have nothing to prove that. Nobody in the family knew GrandPa had a gun and Brownings website only goes back to 1940. Also wonder if anyone can provide information on the markings found on the receiver? Barrel is marked 'Browning Arms Company St. Louis M.O. any information you guys and give me would be greatly appreciated.
Darn! can't post attachments. Here is a link to some photos. Serial number is blocked out but is 6 digits.

Browning Auto 5 20 Gauge Serial Numbers Images


Browning Auto 5 20 Gauge Serial Numbers For Sale

From 1940 to 1946 production of the Auto-5 was turned over to Remington. Serial number is on the side of receiver. 'ABC' for American made Version. (A=16 gauge, B-12 gauge, C=20 gauge) 1946+229,000-237,000: 1947 200: 1948 200: 1949 200: 1950 200: 1951 300: 1952: F.N. Took over production of the. I own a browning auto 5 20 gauge with an odd serial number. I cannot match it up to browning's web site to see what the date of manufacture is. Could someone please tell me the date of manufacture. Here is the serial number as it appears on the gun: serial number: 3Z 63869 thanks in advance. The Browning Auto-5 Sweet 16 lightweight, 16-gauge shotgun, began production in 1937 and it ran through 1992. Pinpointing the exact manufacturing year of early Sweet 16s is a bit difficult. This is because Browning guns made from 1903 through 1939 were simply numbered in numeric order rather than given a serial number to denote the year in.

12-16-2011, 03:54 PM

Browning Auto 5 20 Gauge Serial Numbers Pictures

I'm trying to put a date on the A-5 I inherited from my Grand Father. I'm guessing it was manufactured in 1937 but have nothing to prove that. Nobody in the family knew GrandPa had a gun and Brownings website only goes back to 1940. Also wonder if anyone can provide information on the markings found on the receiver? Barrel is marked 'Browning Arms Company St. Louis M.O. any information you guys and give me would be greatly appreciated.
Darn! can't post attachments. Here is a link to some photos. Serial number is blocked out but is 6 digits.